We are offering FON Members an exclusive opportunity for a free private consultation (in person or by phone) with renowned securities attorney Jake Zamansky to discuss recovering your UBS-YES losses. UBS-YES was misrepresented as a “low risk” and “market neutral” strategy which would enhance the yield on generally conservative portfolios. In […]
On November 6, 2019, Zamansky LLC partner Sam Bonderoff represented the participants in the employee stock-ownership plan (“ESOP”) for IBM, and argued the case of Retirement Plans Committee of IBM v. Jander before the United States Supreme Court. The transcript for oral arguments can be found here. SCOTUSblog (11/07/19): Justices debate liability of […]
Financial Expert Analyzes Root of YES Investment Losses Zamansky, LLC has been an active participant in the investigations of UBS and other investment firms regarding their sales of the yield enhancement strategy (YES) investment strategy. Featured in news mediums such as The Wall Street Journal, Zamansky LLC represents investors as […]
News of YES Losses and Arbitration Increases in Financial Media Circuits It’s no secret that investors have been unhappy with their purchase of yield enhancement strategy (YES) and iron condor investment options. Though clients were promised a safe and stable financial investment by their broker, the results of these purchases […]
Zamansky, LLC: Protecting Clients with Yield Enhancement Strategy Losses Investors and those who follow financial news may have become aware of the increase in lawsuits forming against UBS, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse and other brokerage and advisory firms. Backlash against these companies is escalating due to the sale of yield […]
Note: This blog post was also posted in Seeking Alpha on 8/12/19. The market is bouncing wildly, and that should make Mom and Pop investors pause and take note. The S&P 500 hit new highs in mid-July, reaching 3,000. Then on Monday, it had its worst day of the year, […]
Former Riot Blockchain CEO, John O’Rourke, may be included as part of a criminal investigation that has been launched by federal authorities in relation to “microcap fraud.” According to a CNBC article, the probe runs parallel with a civil case that the SEC brought against O’Rourke and others who were […]
The yield enhancement strategy (YES) is often pitched as a “safe” or “low-risk” option for investors who are interested in maintaining consistent returns. However, reality has recently shown that the investment products bought and sold under YES are extremely complex and risky. In recent months, many individual investors have come […]
Wall Street is notorious for saying one thing to investors and meaning something else. It’s called “doublespeak,” language that deliberately obscures, disguises or distorts the meaning of words. The term was coined after the great British writer George Orwell used the term “doublethink” to describe a reality that was completely […]
Yield enhancement strategies (YES) are high-risk investments that can result in substantial losses. They are also highly-complex; and, as a result, they are only suitable for the most-sophisticated of investors. If you have lost money in a YES investment, here are some of the key terms you need to know: […]