Jake Zamansky Quoted in WSJ Regarding YES Financial Losses
Another day, another story in the news about the financial crisis investors face from their investments in yield enhancement strategy options (YES)– particularly those offered by UBS. Zamansky, LLC continues to investigate these claims, and the firm’s founder, Jake Zamansky, was recently quoted in the Wall Street Journal regarding the heavy financial losses.
Investors hope they select the best financial option with minimal risk by way of advice from their financial advisers. Disheartened individuals, however, were assured of safety with YES investments, but faced harsh consequences.
As Jake explains in the article, investors were promised a reward without being fully informed as to the risks. The iron condor model that UBS sold to investors can achieve success provided there is little market volatility. This caveat, unfortunately, was not provided to the dozens of clients Zamansky, LLC is representing.
If you suffered a loss from your YES investments, read our other news articles on the topic and then contact us for a free and confidential consultation.
INVESTOR ALERT: UBS Yield Enhancement Strategy (YES) Update on COVID-19 SPX Market Crash
Coronavirus and the UBS- YES Investment Strategy– A Dangerous Combination for Investors
Lawsuits Against UBS and Others for Yield Enhancement Strategy Losses Continue to Gain Momentum