Zamansky LLC Investigates Dean Mustaphilli and Mustaphilli Capital Partners Fund, L.P.
The law firm is investigating Dean Mustaphilli and his hedge fund, Mustaphilli Capital Partners Fund, L.P., for alleged fraud, as well as potential claims for supervisory failures and aiding and abetting by his trading firms.
On June 14, 2017, the New York Attorney General’s Office charged Mustaphilli with defrauding elderly investors of millions of dollars. According to the complaint, Mustaphilli invested 58 New York Funds in his hedge fund which lost $10 million trading options, and stole $100,000 of investor funds. FINRA charged Mustaphilli with the “bait and switch” tactic of soliciting investor for a stock funds, then using the money instead to speculate in risky options bets. After he suffered substantial losses, Mustaphilli lied to investors that market conditions in oil and the election causes the losses.
If you are an investor who lost money with Mustaphilli, please contact Jake Zamansky at (212) 742-1414 or for an evaluation of your rights. We may be able to obtain a monetary recovery for you even if you have already received a settlement or payment of restitution.