Zamansky LLC Investigates Hedge Funds With Large Valeant Stock Losses
The law firm is investigating various hedge funds which suffered large losses from investing in Valeant Pharmaceutical International Inc. (“Valeant”) stock. According to public reports, these hedge funds include Pershing Square Capital Management, ValueAct Holdings, Brahman Capital, Brave Warriors Advisors, Okumus Capital and Senzar Asset Management have suffered large losses from investments in Valeant stock.
Our law firm is investigating whether these hedge funds violated any fiduciary duties or
Investment restrictions by investing in Valeant. From its August 2015 peak of $265 per share, Valeant has seen its stock price fall to $22 per share, over 90%, for a $100 billion loss of market cap. This loss was caused by its controversial business model, and aggressive acquisition and accounting practices.
If you are an investor in any of these hedge funds and wish to have your investment reviewed, please contact our firm for an evaluation. You can contact Jake Zamansky by telephone at (212) 742-1414 or by email at