Zamansky LLC Investigates Potential Legal Claims By Premium Point Mortgage Credit Fund Investors Against the Fund’s Administrator and Others
The law firm is investigating potential legal claims for recovery by investors in the Premium Point Mortgage Credit Fund Ltd. and the Premium Point New Issue Opportunity Fund Ltd. against the fund administrator and other potential culpable parties.
On May 9, 2018, the SEC filed a Complaint against Premium Point and its officers. The SEC Complaint alleges that Premium Point inflated the value of certain mortgage-backed securities by 14% or more, misrepresenting its net asset value. The alleged inflated values also caused misstated performance figures and increased fees, according to the SEC Complaint.
The law firm is investigating potential legal claims against the fund’s administrator, as well as other culpable parties who may have assisted in the fraud.
If you are an investor in any of the Premium Point funds, please contact our firm for an evaluation of your legal rights. You can contact Jake Zamansky by telephone at (212) 742-1414 or by email at